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alice aleksandridi

free flow studio art director
representative group fusion | contemporary emotion

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She remembers her first dance shoes and the color of the stage as she looked at them. She wasn’t afraid, but butterflies danced in her stomach, fueled by the knowledge that she wanted to and could succeed. It was her first time dancing on stage—she was 6 years old, but she remembers that day as if it were yesterday. From that moment, she knew: dance and she belonged together.

She has studied and taught various dance styles in several studios in Estonia, as well as in France, Finland, Spain, and the USA. She holds a Master’s degree in Dance/Choreography (cum laude) from the Institute of the Arts Barcelona, Spain.

Her greatest inspiration comes from her dancers, the stories they tell, and the movements they share. She always tells her students: "Take my choreography and make it your own, turn it inside out, color it, play with it"—she loves seeing different interpretations of the choreography she creates. It is important that a dancer doesn’t lose their uniqueness. Amazing things are born through collaboration.

More information and videos of her work can be found here

contemporary emotion

representative group fusion

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CONTEMPORARY EMOTION class is focused on getting your emotions out while moving freely in space. It’s good for every level dancer – beginner, when you want to learn more about contemporary but also for advanced dancer, if you want to discover new sides of youself. Music is mostly lyrical.

fusion competitive group

fusion is a closed group with auditions. we represent the studio in local competitions as well as in foreign countries. This style is suitable for dancers who have prior experience. classical base, very good flexibility and strong physical health are a big plus.

fusion production

Fusion Production is a representation group that represents the studio in various TV productions (such as "Eesti Laul," "Estonian Music Awards," etc.), promotional performances at events, and productions.


Auditions for the representation group are held once a season in September.

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Since 2015, directed the Estonian Song (Eurovision) production for artists and interludes. Performed choreography within the framework of various projects for television channels (Kanal2, Tv3, ETV), for example, programs such as "Dancing with the Stars: Stars on Ice", "estoniaN POP IDOL" "Terevisioon", "Your face sounds familiar", "Weekend with Kanal 2", "Estonian Music Awards" ", "Estonian Film and TV Awards", "R2 Aastahitt", etc

Collaborated with various artists including Kristjan Järvi, Tommy Cash, Kerli Kõiv, Púr Múdd, Laura Põldvere, Uku Suviste, Tanja Mihhailova, Stefan, YASMYN, Getter Jaani, Koit Toome, 5 miinust, Villemdrillem, Grete Paia, Karl-Erik Taukar, Sissi, Ziggy Wild & Laura Prits, Nancy, Jüri Pootsmann, Kruuv, Rein Rannap, Elina Born, Zetod, Around the Sun and many others.

Productions for fashion shows (Erki fashion show 2015 & 2016, Duglas hair salon, Adidas, G-star, Baltika, Ivo Nikkolo, Monton, Mosaik, Baltman), corporate shows (Tradehouse, Eesti Gaas AS, H&M, Oriflame, Selver, Compensa ( Sesam), Honda Catwees, Möller Auto, Tallink, etc.).


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  • 2021 Choreographer of the Decade

International Dance Championship

United Dance Nation 

Lithuanian Cup​

  • Tallinn's Extracurricular Teacher of the Year 2020 (Awarded by the Tallinn Education Department)

  • Dance World Cup 2016 | Jersey, England

9 place| Contemporary and Modern Formations Adults                       

10 place| Contemporary and Modern Formations Adults

15 place| Show and Jazz Formations Adults

  • International Dance Championships Lithuanian Cup | Leedu

1 place | Contemporary formations adults | Winter Cup 2018

2 place | Show formations adults | Winter Cup 2018


1 place | Contemporary Formations Adults | Winter Cup 2016

1 place | Street Show Formations Adults | Winter Cup 2016

2 place | Contemporary Formations Adults | Winter Cup 2016

3 place | Contemporary Small Group Adults | Winter Cup 2016

3 place | Show Dance Formations Adults | Winter Cup 2016


1 place | Contemporary Formations Adults | Spring Cup 2015

1 place | Show Formations Adults | Spring Cup 2015

1 place | Contemporary Formations Adults | Winter Cup 2015

2 place | Contemporary Formations Adults | Winter Cup 2015

2 place | Contemporary Small Group Adults | Winter Cup 2015


1 place | Contemporary Formations Adults | Winter Cup 2014

  • Nomination | Contemporary Formations Juniors II | 2012

  • Finalist | Contemporary Formations Adults | 2012

  • Special award “Choreographer” | 2012

  • Special award for group | 2012

  • Nomination | Show Dance Formation Adults | 2011​

  • Nomination | Show dance formations adults | 2010 (co-choreographer)

  • golden cup championship | estonia​

​3 place | Contemporary formation adults | 2018

Special award for Enchanting performance


3 place | Contemporary dance formations adults | 2017


3 place | Contemporary formations adults | 2016

3 place | Show dance formations adults | 2016

Special award for Originality, idea and felt through presentation

1 place| Contemporary formations adults | 2015

2 place | Jazz dance formations adults | 2015

3 place | Jazz dance formations adults | 2015

Special award for Power | semi-finals | 2015

Special award for Power | finals | 2015

GRAND PRIX best routine, all categories 2014

1 place | Jazz dance formations adults | 2014

2 place | Show dance formations adults | 2014

2 place | Estrade dance formations adults | 2014

1 place | Show dance formations adults | 2013

2 place | Estrade dance formations adults | 2013

3 place | Jazz formations adults | 2013

Special award “Best Costume and visual”

2 place | Estrade dance formations adults | 2012

3 place | Jazz formations adults | 2012

  • We Love to Dance | finland

1 place | Contemporary formation adults | 2016
3 place | Contemporary small group adults | 2015

  • Street Art Championship | lithuania

2 place | Free Dance formation adults | 2016    

3 place | Street show small group adults | 2016

  • Koolitants | estoniia

Nomination | Contemporary formations adults | 2013

Special award for group | 2013​

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