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show heels

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My dance journey started when I was very young at the gymnastics club Janika and it developed through gymnastics and folk dance until Error Dance School, from there to Shate Dance School, Sixtina and now Free Flow Studio.
In my case, I value the willingness to try and learn different styles and the versatility in dancers and from that your own dance language.
Secondly, I value further development as long as my legs can carry me, as a dancer, as well as spiritual and theoretical development.
I have competed in all the biggest competitions in Estonia and also abroad in Croatia, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia.
It has been an honor to be a part of big projects (Rally Estonia, Estonian Music Awards, R2 Music Awards, Estonian Song Festival, etc.), to share the stage with artists (Getter Jaani, 5 Miinust, Laura, Tanja, ..) and TV shows (“Su nägu kõlab tuttavalt”, “Maskis laulja”, “Uus laul”, “Rahvabänd”, etc.).


As a dancer, I like to find different ways to express myself. Big stages and events make my inner flame burn brightly. Improvisation is like looking inside yourself and merging with the music. Performing for me is about passing on the dance and telling a story.

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show heels

The world of Show has been a very homely and peculiar place for me, and vague enough to experiment and be free at the same time.
I have been dancing in heels for about 13 years and mostly all kinds of show numbers on bigger and smaller stages as well as in competition format. I am familiar with Latin rhythms, broadway-jazz and also frame-up styles.
Show Heels combines heels with all the power, femininity and energy, and every class brings something new to discover. We push the boundaries of show dance and what it is, staying true to feminine grace and dynamics.

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