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FFS Presents: MIND & BODY vol2

Free Flow Studio alustas uut igakuist üritustesarja MIND & BODY, kus keskendume kõigele, mis seotud meie keha ja vaimuga, lõõgastume, treenime, mediteerime.

Iga kuu toimuvad MIND & BODY raames klassika, akrobaatika,afrobeats, afrohouse ja meditatsiooni tunnid. Lisaks neile on igal üritusel mingi special touch!

See kord tähistame HALLOWEEN-i ja seda tõelise õudusfilmide klassikuga!


13:30-15:30 Akrobaatika/ Ariel Kristel (Roheline)

15:30-16:30 Klassika I/ Katrin Kalvi (Roheline)

15:30-17:00 Afrobeats/ Laura Laiapea (Sinine)

17:00-18:30 Afrohouse/ Laura Laiapea (Sinine)

FILM: Linnud- Alfred Hitchcock (Roheline)

18:30 Meditatsioon/ Katrin Kalvi


Klassika, akrobaatika, meditatsioon (5 €/h, akrobaatika ja meditatsioon 10 €,

9 € üks kord (1,5 h) / 16 € mõlemad tunnid (3h)

Maksmine sularahas koha peal./


Free Flow Studio started a brand new monthly event series called MIND & BODY- the purpose is to relax, train and meditate.

Every month with MIND & BODY we have Ballet, acrobatics, afrohouse, afrobeats and meditation classes. Also with every event we will add a special touch to it.

This time we're celebrating Halloween with a very famous horror movie!


13:30-15:30 Acrobatics/ Ariel Kristel (Green)

15:30-16:30 Ballet I/ Katrin Kalvi (Green)

15:30-17:00 Afrobeats/ Laura Laiapea (Blue)

17:00-18:30 Afrohouse/ Laura Laiapea (Blue)

MOVIE: The Birds- Alfred Hitchcock (Green)

18:30-20:30 Meditation/ Katrin Kalvi


Ballet, acrobatics, meditation (5 €/h, acrobatics and meditation 10 €)

Afrobeats, Afrohouse: 9 € one time (1.5h)/ 16 eur both classes (3h)

Payments on the spot in cash.

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