Nädalavahetusel käisime Free Flow perega Klaipedas järjekordsel Lithuanian Cup'il!
Lisaks sellele, et oli üks äärmiselt tore trip sõprade keskel, tõime koju ka mõned karikad:
I, II ja III koht Contemporary formation adults, I koht Street show formation adults, III koht Show formation adults, III koht Contemporary small group adults,
Aitäh meie imelistele koreograafidele: Alice Aleksandridi, Keithy Kuuspu, Merilin Sassian ja muidugi meie igati abistav haldjas Ragne ja aitäh kõikidele tantsijatele, kes reisi nii vahvaks tegid! <3
This weekend Free Flow family attended Lithuanian Cup in Klaipeda, Lithuania!
Not only was it an amazing trip with friends but we also managed to bring home some cups:
I, II & III place Contemporary formation adults, I place Street show formation adults, III place Show formation adults, III place Contemporary small group adults,
Thank you to our wonderful choreographers: Alice Aleksandridi, Keithy Kuuspu, Merilin Sassian and of course our super helpful Ragne! Also a big hug to all the dancers who made the trip the greatest <3